3D Doppler Reconstruction

Doppler ultrasound sonography is one of the widely used methods in clinical routine to assess blood flow dynamics and to measure blood velocities over time. It is, however, not trivial to recover at full 3D velocity information over time because Doppler US can only measure the projection of the true velocity along the beam direction.

Our work aims at reconstructing a 1) 3D velocity field and 2) a temporal flow profile based on arbitrarily sampled free-hand Doppler measurements without any gating or compounding.

Check out this video:

For more details, please refer to our MICCAI paper:

3D velocity field and flow profile reconstruction from arbitrarily 	sampled Doppler ultrasound data

Zettinig, Oliver; Hennersperger, Christoph; zu Berge, Christian Schulte; Baust, Maximilian; Navab, Nassir

3D velocity field and flow profile reconstruction from arbitrarily sampled Doppler ultrasound data Proceedings Article

In: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention--MICCAI 2014, pp. 611–618, Springer LNCS, 2014.

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